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In my vision, A Midsummer Night’s Dream will be set in the future, in a dystopian future where capitalism reigns and the gap between rich and poor is greater than it has even been before. The Mechanicals will represent the proletariat, the working class, uneducated and stuck in this oppressive class system. On the other hand is Hyppolita, Theseus and the lovers who would represent the bourgeoisie, rich and powerful. This dystopian world is far removed from that of the forest, grey and restrictive. This is where the forest and the fairies come in. The fairies represent nature and the beauty of nature, with them arrives the colour of the play, the elegance and beauty which has been lost in this dystopian world. Nature, like love, is powerful and unpredictable, but it is the roots of where we come from and it is in these roots that the comedy happens, where the lovers find each other, and where the mechanicals come together to rehearse their play. I want this play to be a visual spectacle that engages all of the senses. It is so easy to perform Midsummer Night’s Dream as just a comedy, but the darker undertone will make people feel uneasy and will continually hint the importance of our link to nature by juxtaposing with the expected comedy of the piece.

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